Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Mood Board Examples

Mood Board Examples:

What is a Mood Board?
A mood board is is a type of poster or design that may consist of images, text, and samples of objects that are put together to either express how we are feeling (our likes) or to express a given brief or task. A fashion mood board requires the use of creativity to express indivuality using the latest fashion colours and trends.

In Class Activity: Individual

Students are to create a nautical theme mood board using the Polyvore website following the steps below.

STEPS for creating a mood board:
When creating Mood Boards for your process and research journal you are to follow the steps below:
1. Go to the polyvore link:
2. DO NOT sign up for this site
3. Click Create and there will be templates to choose from and endless fashion images (including clothes, people...)
4. Drag chosen image to spaces provided until you are happy with the end result
5. Once finished you need to Print Screen (PrtSc)
6. Open a word document and paste in print screen image
7. Crop mood board to desired size and enlarge
8. Save document / print for journal

Eample 1: pastel colour theme

Example 2: drama theme (James Bond 007)

Example 3: Block colours and patterns

Process / Research Journal

Steps in writing a Research / Process journal:

NOTE: Hard Copy (booklets) of example Process and Research Journals will be available to look at.

1.    Title Page (Students name, Teacher name, Subject name)

2.    Research journal title page

3.    Write out your chosen design brief

4.    Mood board (respond to design brief taking elements of what you like and who you are as an individual) You may utilise

5.    Key basic factors (key factors -  require further research and basic factors – are spelt out and include such factors as time, cost and sewing skills)

6.    Investigation of key factors – fashion (latest trends, colours)/forecasting – this section of the process journal is the inclusion of imagery

7.    Draw your design – this is to be in the form of an annotated (labelled) diagram – What is your bag/cushion going to look like? Remember to include front and back and a minimum of 2 designs.

8.    Table of the pros and cons of both the design and fabric choices.

9.    Process Journal title page

10.      Photos and samples of every stage of what you are doing and include sample construction techniques – (camera)

11.   Table discussing  your progress;

Lesson (date)
What you want to achieve
What you achieved


Passion for Fashion - Assessment Task Description

Passion for Fashion!

You are to choose one of the following Design Briefs for your practical piece:


You have just been accepted to compete in the Fashion Squad competition you entered last year. The brief as well as you research and process journal must be completed in 4 weeks and requires you to design and make a creative and original working apron for either a newly renovated hairdresser or restaurant in Brisbane. Following the latest fashion trends and colours you must design and create a working apron on a budget that cannot exceed $40 that all employees will wear. Your apron must demonstrate a minimum of three forms of embellishments that will enhance the originality of the piece. The construction of your article must be completed during school time and personal time. When designing and constructing your apron you are to take into consideration the following:

·          Does it reflect or consider the latest trends and colours

You will be assessed on the quality of your construction and originality of your design, time management and effort put into the final product. You are to have all sewing equipment with you during practical lessons.


You have received notification of an upcoming interview for the fashion traineeship you applied for at the end of last year. To demonstrate to the selectors your range sewing skills, you are to create an over the shoulder bag that shows creativity using inspiration from your favourite hobbies (eg. Netball or painting) and personal style to help the selectors get an understanding of you as a person. The bag should include a minimum of three embellishment techniques. You are required to complete the task over a 4 week period using in class time and personal time. You have been provided with a budget of $40 to complete your item. During this time you are to also to complete a research and process journal. When designing and constructing your bag you are to take into consideration the following:

·         Will this item be a useful addition to your current wardrobe

·         Does it reflect or consider the latest trends and colours

You will be assessed on the quality of your construction and originality of your design, time management and effort put into the final product. You are to have all sewing equipment with you during practical lessons.